MassSolar before and after the eclipse
August 22, 2017
Take a look at how much the solar eclipse affected production for MassSolar installations. Here is a graph that shows total production from 6 systems with a total system size of 78kW spread from central Mass to Eastern Mass.
For those of you who somehow missed the eclipse hype - the peak time for the eclipse in Massachusetts was about 2:45 PM on August 21st. You can most definitely see the impact of the eclipse on solar energy production in this graph.
It looks like a pretty big delta on the graph, but if you calculate the total missed production due to the eclipse - it looks like we lost about 1.3% of our expected production yesterday due to the eclipse.
That's a lot less than the production difference, just because it was a slightly cloudier day than the day before the eclipse.
How did your systems perform during the eclipse?