
Protect State's Solar Credits

March 24, 2016

Beacon Hill lawmakers should rebuff efforts to lower net metering credit rates and instead continue to provide incentives for the state’s growing solar industry.

Net metering is a mechanism that allows solar panel hosts to sell unused electric power back to the energy grid for a credit on their utility bills.

A House proposal would lower the net metering credit rate paid by power companies to solar users by up to 75 percent, from current retail prices to a wholesale rate. A Senate bill is less harsh, but could negatively impact community share and low-income solar projects.

Solar Energy Growth Must Not be Blocked

March 17, 2016

It would be better to scrap a solar energy bill stuck in a House-Senate conference committee and start over then pass a bill that could stall the industry in the years to come.

One year after solar caps hit, 100 House members urge swift action

March 15, 2016

A press release from Environment Massachusetts announced some good news for solar today:

Low Income Solar Policy Guide Launched

March 14, 2016

Solar is working for low income communities, in Massachusetts and elsewhere.  A low income solar policy guide, launached today, outlines a range of policies and programs states can employ to expand access to solar and ensure everyone can participate in the transition to a 100% renewable future.

Manufacturing Facts

March 5, 2016

You may remember the AIM infographic that claimed the average Massachusetts manufacturing business is spending $750,000 on solar incentives.

That average manufacturing business would have to be using 96 million kWh of electricity a year, enough electricity to power over 12,750 homes, and that business would be spending $17 million a year on electricity to reach those levels.

Retail Net Metering Is Good for Us All

March 4, 2016

Retail net metering is the single most important driver behind anyone’s decision – yours, mine, a local business’s, or town’s – as to whether it makes financial sense to install solar panels. And it’s pretty simple: with retail net metering, installing solar makes financial sense; without it . . . not so much.

The Truth About Solar

March 1, 2016

AIM recently sent a letter to their members warning about those who fear losing their "unlimited access to ratepayer money". Who were they talking about? Most folks would guess that they must be talking about the utilities... who see solar as a threat to their profit margins.

But it would most certainly not be solar developers, who have had their projects put on hold by net metering caps in 175 communities across the Commonwealth. 

Where is the cap on fossil fuels?

February 21, 2016

Recent polling has shown that more than 80% of Massachusetts residents believe that climate change is a real concern and that we need to seriously reduce our dependence on fossil fuels … so it is a truly brilliant public relations strategy by pro-utility legislators to put solar and renewables into a rationing program like Net Metering and confusing revolving door incentive programs, while fossil fueled electricity generators get away with no quotas or even any serious penalty for poisoning our environment and threatening public health.

Save the Planet - or Else

February 13, 2016

Massachusetts has been having a vigorous debate about the costs and benefits of solar power. And reasonable people can differ about the actual dollar value of those costs and benefits.

But the fundamental flaw in all the claims the utilities and AIM have been making is based on the false assumption that fossil fuel generated electricity is equivalent to renewable energy generated electricity. And that just isn't true. 

Here are a few questions - inspired by Arnold - that point out the differences. 

ELM to AIM - Stop Distorting the Truth

February 13, 2016

Rick Lord, President                                                                                           February 12, 2016
Associated Industries of Massachusetts
One Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108

Dear Mr. Lord:


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